The Move to Firebase

1 min read

For some reason, I just do not remmeber why, I decided to find out if my one off blog could find another home.

For two years, this blog has been squatting living for free on github and before that blogger.

Today, I’m proud to say, what begun as: –> and then to is now .
New digs and all, notice the extra (s) in there..yuh, that is all for free.

See Ghost Adventures for the initial steps, especially the update.

All you will need to replace is the part about github. Instead of hosting and setting up a git repo, get a free account and setup a free project ‘static sites’ only at
Install the firebase CLI (command line interface), login,initialize the project folder, select your static output folder and then deploy.

Obviously, you should know your node first.

  • install the firebase tools

    npm install -g firebase-tools

  • provide your credentials, popup opens a browser

    firebase login


  • initialize the project, select the kind of project, hosting

    firebase init

  • select path to folder for static pages

    firebase deploy

et voila!!!

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