
The year is 2019 and if you have a thought process in any way similar to mine, you’d most likely prefer to start the year on a clean slate. Formatting and reinstalling only the essentials. With time, one’s workspace gets cluttered with ‘one-time-use’ softwares, ‘no-longer-needed apps’ and apps you might have forgotten about.
1 min read
Did you know the world has 15% of its inhabitants being disabled and that 2-4% of the 15% have significantly high levels in functioning? 15% here amounts to 1,080,000,000 The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone, regardless of disability is an essential aspect. - Tim Berners -Lee The Web is thus fundamentally designed for use, by the masses whatever their software, hardware, language or location.
2 min read
An upcoming travel opportunity had me searching for a VPN service I could use whiles away from . This search lead me to Outline. A free vpn tool tailored for journalist - Touted as granting you access to the “internet you can trust” , as having “strong privacy and security”.
1 min read
Ever encountered the issue of setting up an FTP server to allow you upload, update themes and plugins on your local/development version of wordpress? Well, there is a simple solution to that. Simply edit your wp-config file by adding this piece of code anywhere in the above mentioned file. define('FS_METHOD', 'direct'); This should sort you out.
1 min read