Many are the reasons I choose to setup JupyterLabs with a Ruby Kernel, I will however not disclose those reasons :)
- Setup python, pip, jupyter / jupyterlabs , ruby (soo many tutorials out there)
- Setup the ruby kernel, especially on MacOS, not that many.
gem install cztop ffi-_rzmq iruby
Consider installing the optional dependencies to get additional functionality (gem install):
- pry
- pry-doc
- awesome_print
- gnuplot
- rubyvis
- nyaplot
- cztop
- rbczmq***
‘rbczmq’ might fail if your build tools are not setup. To do that, run:
brew insall libtool autoconf automake
and rerungem install rbczmq
iruby register --force
Restart your jupyterlab notebook to find your ruby kernel included.