Ghost Adventures 2

2 min read

Once you get Ghost up and running, next comes the theme.

The initial theme albeit beautiful and minimalist, gets stale pretty quick. However, the open source nature of Ghost allows for a plethora of themes. Build one yourself or rely on the various themes that are free to use.

Simply Google “Ghost themes” to be hit by an array of beautiful themes.
Or head on to Ghost Marketplace for some free themes.
Some free themes are in continuous development and so are hosted in Github. Feel free to fork those themes if you are into that sort of thing and contribute your quota.

Setup & Initialisation

**Normal Download Method**

Download theme from the host. Themes downloaded this way are usually zipped.
Unzip the theme, rename where necessary and copy to the “themes” folder in your Ghost directory.
If you have been following Ghost Adventures, this folder will be in
Restart your server for the theme inclusion to have effect. Select your theme under the settings menu after you log in to the Ghost platform.

Pre-packed themes don’t need much customisation.

Git Clone Method

As the name suggests, this method involves cloning a theme that is hosted in a Github repository. bear in mind this clone might not be the stable deal. Especially if its still undergoing modifications. Make sure you take a look at the Readme file to get an understanding of the theme and its structure. Usually good documentation is also included.
I will use one of my favourite themes as an example here - Uno-Zen

To clone, navigate into the themes folder and run :

git clone

After some seconds or minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection, the cloning is done. Select the theme, and preview the site to see how it all turns out. Read through the documentation for your customisation needs.

Ps: You are reading this on a “Ghostium” themed site.

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