Dspace Installs

3 min read

I have spent over three weeks in trying to get dspace set up. It has been one helluva ride. Finally got it working somewhat on a windows OS and wanted to document the process for posterity sake.

What is DSpace?

DSpace is an open source repository software package typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly and/or published digital content. While DSpace shares some feature overlap with content management systems and document management systems, the DSpace repository software serves a specific need as a digital archives system, focused on the long-term storage, access and preservation of digital content. - Wikipedia reference

To get this working, you need:

  • Apache Ant
  • Apache Maven
  • Apache Tomcat
  • Postgresql
  • Java JDK
  • DSpace src-release

Funny enough, only certain specific versions get to work well with each other.

  • Apache Ant v1.9.9
  • Apache Maven v3.3.9
  • Apache Tomcat v9.0.0.m18
  • Postgresql v9.6.4-1
  • Java JDK v8u121
  • DSpace src-release v6.1
  • postgresql admin interface (pgadmin v3 or v4)

This magic formula was concocted by Dr. Santosh Gupta

Even in the comments peopole give him praise.


  • Install Java: Get your environment variables working, so java -verion works in the command line

  • Install Apache ant & maven, this is usually simplified by extracting them from their respective zip or tar archives and placing them in the root of your drive, say “C:/”

    • Setup your environmental variables (sytemwide path) that points to the bin directories where ant and maven are stored.
  • Create variables JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME under environmental variables (user) and point these to the main directories.

  • Install tomcat, this you can get as an executable.

  • Install postrgresql and pgadmin.

    • Start up the postgresql db and add a new login name = dspace
    • passwords are yours to choose.
    • under role priviledges, simply turn all on for user dspace
    • Add a new database, name = dspace and owner = dspace
    • set tablespace to the default pg_default.
    • Add pg_crypto under extensions.
    • DB should be connected and active.
  • Extract the dspace src- release zip file into the root directory.

  • Open up the commandline

    • test your environmental variables
      • ant vesion & java version
    • Navigate into the dspace folder in dspace-6.1-src-release folder
    • run mvn package , make sure you have a working internet connection
    • after the download and installation of various packages are done.
    • navigate into the config folder and locate a local.cfg file, scroll through said file and change the db password there. default will be dspace. Also change the installation directory to C:/dspace
    • Now create a dspace folder in your root
    • Navigate into dspace-6.1-src-release > dspace > target >dspace_installer
    • Run ant fresh_install
    • Navigate into the bin folder of the newly created dspace folder at your root directory c:\dspace\bin
    • Run dspace create-administrator to create an admin, follow the requirements.
    • Copy jspui , xmlui & solr from the webapps folder in the new dspace installation to the webapps folder of your tomcat installation.
    • open your web browser and point it to localhost:8080\jspui for your dspace installation.

The end (For windows installations)